Wednesday, November 20, 2013

rainy day

At coffee on Sunday morning.
Walter at the Children's Museum.

Out in the rain.

Fall treasures found on our walks.

It finally rained today. It was so cheery to listen to it tapping gently on our metal roof. Walter was excited and wanted to be out in it. He kept pointing towards the door. We took him on several walks and he laughed at the water coming out of the sky.

Can I be honest with you? Today was extremely wearing. I think Walter's first molars are coming in, and it is making him so irritable. He would not nap all afternoon, except for a couple ten-minute power snoozes. He is finally in bed, and I have collapsed in an armchair with a chocolate orange.

Oh, and I wanted to attempt my first link-up with Ginny over at Small Things.

I have begun knitting a baby sweater for Walter, which I am very excited about. I'm using wool remnants, some from a friend, some from thrift stores, and some (the lovely chocolate brown wool) that Matthew bought me from a fancy little yarn shop downtown. So far the sweater is coming along beautifully and I'm enjoying the work.

In early preparation for the Advent season (and because it takes me forever to finish a book, let's be real), I am reading Donkey Bells by Catherine Doherty. I'm only a few chapters in, but it is a beautiful and meditative read. 


Saturday, November 9, 2013

family weekend

Walter fell in love all over again with Grandma and Aunt Janet.
He had such a good time with Grandpa too!
He hardly left Uncle Patrick's side the whole visit.
Grandpa thrilled him with the guitar and the harmonica.

Matthew and his wonderful family, of which I am blessed to be a part.

I've nearly finished Walter's doll. He just needs some hair!

November pomegranate tree.

I'm sorry it's been a while since my last post. We've been keeping quite busy around here.

Matthew's family came to stay with us last weekend, bearing many lovely gifts. We enjoyed their company immensely, but the time passed far too quickly. We miss them all very much. You can read Janet's delightful account of the visit here

We toured the beach and picnicked at Montana de Oro with our family while they were here. Walter must have received (and reciprocated) at least a thousand hugs and kisses. It's sad that we must live so far away from all we love.

This week, Walter and I got a membership at the local Children's Museum. It's been a blast taking him there whenever I can, where he splashes in the water exhibit out-of-doors, and plays with the buckets of toys inside. He loves to engage the other children we meet there, and I feel like it is really inspiring him to walk.

That's right, he's walking!! He grows in confidence each day. I attribute this to Grandma and Aunt Janet who really showed him he could do it--they walked him up and down while they were here, and now he is excited to see the world!

Well, that sums up what's been going on around here. Goodnight, and have a great week!

