Saturday, August 24, 2013

Weekly Recap

What a busy week we've had! Walter is tuckered out, and unsurprisingly, so am I.

Walter's Adventures:
Lookin' cute, playing with Papa.
Running around bare-bummed. 

This was early in the morning, he was still sleepy. 

I took him and a friend to the Children's Museum this week.
He loved it!

Grocery shopping with mama.

Matthew took us out for breakfast this morning. <3

In the Kitchen:
I had so many cherry tomatoes this week (from our garden
and the CSA box) that I didn't know what to do with them!
I experimented with making Lacto-Fermented
Cherry Tomatoes with Basil (recipe here).
I'll let you know how they turned out!

Matthew and I baked some bread today. Easiest bread
recipe ever. Give it a try! (recipe here)
Last but not least, I made cheese!!
Milk + Lemon Juice + Heat = Yum!
(recipe here)

Whew! After such a busy week, I'm looking forward to a lazy Sunday.

How was your week?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Time flies when you're having fun.

Where did the summer go? I can't believe August is nearly through.

We started receiving our CSA box this last weekend from a local family farm. We dream of having enough land to grow our own summer bounty in the future, but in the meantime, we're just happy to have fresh vegetables.

Walter and I did a little foraging and found a large patch of blackberry brambles as well as a few apple trees. We brought home what we could and made a delicious apple-blackberry cake adapted from the Joy of Cooking. If we weren't in the process of moving, I'd be trying my hand at making applesauce and putting it away for the winter.

Matthew helped me to build a small herb-drying rack for the pantry, and I've been drying handfuls of oregano, mint and tarragon on it.

 I've also got bundles of lavender hanging up.

Walter, at slightly over ten months old, is eating everything we are and has no fear of strangers. He waves and claps his hands and laughs when we do. I can't help but love him more each day that goes by!