Saturday, October 19, 2013

fall festivities


Walter and I have been keeping very busy. We have been making multiple batches of applesauce* every day and storing it away for the winter. Matthew, on the other hand, has been keeping busy baking applesauce cakes, making applesauce pancakes, and I could go on. So there might not be that much applesauce left for this winter after all. (Just teasing, my love! Please continue making delicious things for me to eat.)

Walt had a lovely little birthday party this afternoon with his dear friend, Mr. Simon (see picture #4). We feasted on an applesauce pumpkin cake which was very tasty and largely popular with both small boys. 

Two exciting Walter updates: 

He has been sleeping through the night! We put him to bed in the pack-n-play and he stays asleep till morning! I've been nursing him in the dark and then putting him into the pack-n-play. He cries a bit, and then lies down and goes to sleep. He's been waking up so well rested and cheerful (and so have I). I must admit, I have crept out of bed multiple times during the night to make sure he's still breathing...

He has begun feeding himself! He has finally mastered the art of picking up food and putting it into his mouth. However, this means anything within reach is fair game. I have been fishing leaves and other such hazards out of his mouth all day.

And now, he is asleep, and I am off to make a cup of tea.

Goodnight, all.

*As some of you know, we scored 100 lbs. of apples for $15 last week, thanks to the Land Conservancy Project. Picked 'em ourselves, too.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

first birthday

One year old, mouth full of cake.

A first birthday cake.

My Walter,

Our lives were forever changed by your birth on October 12th, 2012. You have named us Mama and Papa, names we wear with more pride than any medal. You are teaching us about love, a little more each day.

Your sweet personality and charming smiles delight all who meet you. You wave and clap your hands and crinkle up your face with joy. I love to hear you giggle and your babbling baby-chatter is so cheery. 

I have slept less this year than ever before in my life, and yet, every sleepless hour seems blessed (in hindsight) by your warm body snuggled next to mine. I miss you when you're asleep (even while I wish you would take longer naps). 

Sometimes I cry when I realize you won't be my tiny baby much longer. I want to keep you close, but it's so exciting to watch you with your new-found independence. I want you to grow, to learn to walk and run and talk. I want you to tell me everything you are thinking.

My heart has grown ten sizes since I met you. I cannot imagine a day without you in it. 

I thank God for you every morning and night.

I love you more than I could ever say.

Happy birthday, little love,


Saturday, October 5, 2013

home, at last

Sunday stroll around Pismo Beach.

Playing at the park.

Exploring Ventura!

Lunch with Papa.

Chilly morning! All bundled up.

Walter sports my latest knitting project.

Play-date with his best bud.

Walter au naturel.
Practicing with a spoon.
Wearing his Yoda hat from Cousin Dannie.
We're finally beginning to feel "moved in". There are still boxes lying around the house, full of goodness-only-knows-what. But we have put up hooks for kitchen gadgets, and filled the closets with our clothing, and re-assembled our bed frame. It's cozy here, and Walter knows it to be his home.

Walter recently suffered his first little cold, and it was so hard to watch him in his misery. He had the croup--a horrible seal-like cough (you'll know it once you've heard it) and a runny nose. He made a full recovery, though, so I'm very thankful to have a healthy and happy little boy crawling around again. He seems to have four...yes, four! teeth coming in. It's always something around here!

We've started receiving fresh goat's milk through our CSA (community supported agriculture) and it has been such a treat. I'm reading up on cheese-making and I've already ruined a batch of yoghurt I attempted earlier this week. Matthew was our yoghurt-maker when we lived in Oregon, and now I shall just have to learn. I think I would have been successful if I hadn't oh-so-clumsily spilled some of the cooling water bath into my warm yoghurt-milk. Oops. 

I finished knitting Walter's birthday sweater vest this week and we're letting him wear it early. I'm sure he'll grow out of it all too soon.

We're enjoying the autumn season (although it was in the 90s today). Pumpkin and butternut squash highlighted many of this week's meals. 

For example:
Skillet Chicken and Butternut Squash Pot Pie (I substituted biscuit dough for puff pastry.)

I'm hoping to do a few more things before the Fall season is over. I want to make beeswax candles, eat apple cider doughnuts, go apple picking and start a new knitting project. I'm reading Kristen Lavransdatter again, and appreciating it more than ever. 

Are any knitters following this blog? If so, what are you knitting?